Don't choose
just a transportation,
live the Turtle Event
A customized chauffeur-driven bike-cab service for your events.
Vos évènements
avec Turtle
Offrez un service de mobilité écologique à vos visiteurs
Accès à votre évènement/ Visite de la ville/ Personnalisation
To your size
Transport solutions for one to several hundred people
All over Europe
Based in Paris, we can easily move the Turtle for your events in France and Europe
Make your Turtle unique and visually striking with our multiple customization options
All bikes are driven by experienced drivers, trained and insured by our partner AXA
Our job : to make transport an experience.
Transportation should be considered an integral part of the event experience, as it determines not only the arrival and departure of your guests, but also their state of mind.
Well-organized, pleasant transport can turn a simple transition into a memorable moment, offering personalized service, special attention and an atmosphere conducive to relaxation or preparation for the event ahead.
Pour vos prospects
Augmentez vos conversions en proposant un trajet Turtle vers le magasin partenaire le plus proche pour découvrir vos produits ou terminer son achat.
- Drive-to-Store : Avec des vélos personnalisés, invitez les clients à visiter votre magasin
- Web-to-Store : facilitez l’accès à vos magasins avec Turtle

Pour vos clients
Récompensez vos clients et augmentez votre panier moyen en proposant un service de transport à leur domicile.
Store-to-Home : Un trajet Turtle offert dès 100€ d’achat par exemple.
Répondez aux problématiques d’encombrement de vos clients liés à leurs achats.
Our Event offers
Private transport.
- Privatization with driver from 1 hour to several days
- Shuttle or private transport
- Ecological & inclusive transport (reduced mobility)
- 60 bicycles available

Business tourism.
- Private tour of Paris
- Customizable tours
- Slow tourism
- Multi-language audio guide

- Tailor-made with several options : rear, interior, exterior.
- Option to add accessories (clothes, goodies, balloons, flags...
- Strong brand visibility
- Unique experience

Marketing operation.
- Original and impactful communication
- Distribution of flyers/goodies
- MOOH advertising
- + 50 000 OTS per bike per day
- Ideal for campaign in city centers and visibility in front of events, trade fair...
Our events
+ more than 80 events
Since 2022, Turtle has produced a wide variety of events, from trade shows to music festivals, corporate parties and demonstrations. Here are just a few examples :
Turtle uses cycle-lanes and avoids traffic jam
More sustainable
Our cab bikes emit 100x less CO2 than a thermal car
Our electrically assisted bicycles are driven by trained and insured drivers