Turtle, pedicab on demand
Book your daily trips from our mobile application
Traffic-free, Pollution-free
Turtle, pedicab on demand
Book your daily trips from our mobile application
Traffic-free, Pollution-free
Let's reinvent urban mobility
In an ever-changing world, let's reinvent urban mobility to meet the new challenges of our time. At Turtle, we firmly believe it's time to think differently about urban travel, with a focus on innovation, sustainability and comfort. Our vision is to transform the urban experience, making journeys not only faster and more efficient, but also more enjoyable and environmentally friendly. By adopting a forward-looking approach, we aspire to create mobility solutions that truly meet the needs of modern city dwellers, while preserving our planet for future generations.

Turtle offers a multitude of services
Nos services
Turtle est le premier service de vélo-taxi à destination
des particuliers et des professionnels à Paris
En réservant depuis notre application mobile, déplacez-vous dans tout Paris selon vos envies. Nos chauffeurs, salariés et formés par nos soins, vous emmènent à votre destination en évitant la congestion routière grâce à l’utilisation des pistes cyclables et des voies de bus. Que cela soit dans un cadre personnel ou professionnel, Turtle vous assure un service fiable, moins cher et plus écologique !

Se déplacer à Paris ne devrait pas toujours avoir une finalité précise. Dans cette ville lumière, cette cité de l’amour, cette capitale de la mode, prendre le temps de se balader le long des monuments ou des lieux les plus iconiques de Paris est un plaisir.
Parisien ou non, prenez le temps de découvrir Paris autrement.

Vous cherchez à vous démarquer ou à promouvoir votre marque de manière plus verte ? Turtle met à disposition ses vélos-taxis pour vos évènements (séminaires, actions marketing, transport de salariés, soirées d’entreprises, comité de direction, etc).
S’intégrant pleinement dans la stratégie RSE de votre entreprise, découvrez nos différentes offres.
Nos process sont constamment remis en cause afin de vous apporter le plus de valeur.

Getting around Paris
Take advantage of the cycle paths to avoid traffic jams while enjoying the beauty of the capital. Opt for faster, greener race !

Visit Paris
Discover all the Parisian monuments that will no longer hold any secrets for you ! For each of our tours, a multilingual audio guide is provided.

Privatize bicycles with drivers for your events. You can also customize the bikes to your image.
Turtle in 6 points
Founded in 2021
The genesis of Turtle came about in September 2021 by Robin, Aymard and Antoine, three long-time friends who had been observing developments in cities, particularly in the wake of Covid-19. Cycling was thriving, but an inclusive service for this mode of transport was lacking.
60 bikes in circulation
Launched in 2022 with 5 bikes, Turtle has weathered the seasons thanks to the support of its customers, partners and investors. We're proud to be able to offer a fleet of 60 bikes in circulation from the Olympic Games onwards.
+ over 250 000 km
Thanks to you, we have covered thousands of kilometers over the past 2 years. Every kilometer we ride with you contributes to decarbonizing and decongesting our cities. Our German-made bikes are designed to have a lifespan of almost 15 years.
Axa insurance
As a professional passenger transport company, we are legally obliged to insure our drivers, customers and third parties. In addition, safety belts are available on bikes if you wish.
+ 52,5 tonnes of CO2 saved
According to the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), an electrically-assisted bicycle like ours is 95% less polluting than a combustion-powered car. For 10km, a Turtle emits 0.11kg of CO2, compared with 2.18kg of CO2 for a combustion-powered car.
Pets welcome
Turtle is pet-friendly! Small, large, with or without fur, everyone is welcome on our bikes.