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Our projects


Service événementiel

Disponible partout en Europe

Expérience unique


Mobilité douce 

Triporteurs publicitaires                                              

Trade fair

BIG by BPI France

To mark the 10th anniversary of BPI France's BIG event, 20 Turtle bikes were made available to offer rides to event participants. 

For the operation, 16 bikes were fitted with rear advertising, promoting the BIG event. To complete the fleet, 4 bikes were fully customized in the event's colors. 

20 bikes - 1 day - October 2023

600 people transported

Sans titre (1000 x 1000 px) (1)
Sans titre (1000 x 1000 px)
Product launch


As part of its communication campaign, green energy supplier Octopus Energy has decided to fully customize 4 bikes to promote the brand and its big competition of the year throughout Paris. 

For the occasion, a special category was created in our mobile application to enable customers to choose to ride these customized bikes and gain access to races offered by Octopus Energy ! 

4 bikes - July à September 2024 

+6 600 people transported

15 million estimated ODVs

Product launch

JOP 2024 - AB InBev

The AB In Bev group took advantage of the Paris Olympic Games to promote its brand using our fully customized bicycles. The aim of the operation was to transport guests of the Novotel Tour Eiffel and Villa M hotels to the locations of their choice, while offering them an original, environmentally-friendly experience.

4 bikes - 7days/7 - 26 july-10 august 2024

450 people transported

3,2 million estimated ODVs

Service événementiel
Nos réalisations



30 vélos personnalisés 


Full covering


Circuits personnalisables




American Express, a major player in payment solutions, opted for a MOOH (Mobile Out Of Home) advertising display on 20 of our bikes, from July to August 2024. 

The choice of an advertising and ecological display during the summer of 2024 enabled them to reach a French and international clientele right in the heart of the capital. 

20 bikes - July and August 2024

60 million estimated ODVs

Pop up Store

JOP 2024 - JBL

À l'occasion des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, la marque JBL a ouvert un pop up store pour faire vivre des expériences musicales à ses clients.

Situé boulevard de Sébastopol, les visiteurs du magasin pouvaient bénéficier d'une balade de 25 minutes à bord de notre Turtle personnalisé aux couleurs de JBL tout en testant les nouveautés de la marque.

1 bike - 7days/7 - 26 july au 10 august 2024

160 people transported

800 000 estimated ODVs

Template vignette insta (2)

Pride 2024 - LVMH

Cette année, les chars sont revenus pour la Pride et Turtle aussi ! Pour l'édition 2024, LVMH a choisi de privatiser et de personnaliser deux vélos Turtle à l'image de leur marque. Il y a une volonté de minimiser l'empreinte carbone de l'événement tout en offrant une expérience unique et mémorable aux participants. 

Nos Turtle ont roulé aux côtés des membres de la marche et des différents chars sur le parcours de cette marche, qui s'est élancée de la Porte de la Villette pour rejoindre la Place de la République.

2 bikes - 1 day - June 2024

500 000 estimated ODVs



The Francofolies, a renowned festival in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, bringing together the greatest French-speaking artists, has chosen Turtle as its free shuttle. Every year, thousands of festival-goers attend this multi-day event.

The Francofolies du Luxembourg takes place in the park in the hills above Esch-sur-Alzette. To facilitate access to the festival entrance, IKO Real Estate offered festival-goers a shuttle service with Turtle. An opportunity for the company to showcase its new eco-neighborhood located a few kilometers away, in Rout-Lëns.

4 bikes - 3 days - June 2024

2500 people transported

Voted "festivalgoers' favorite service"

Design sans titre (2)-1
Design sans titre (3)-1
Product launch


To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Jardins, Jardin trade show, the grounds of the Villa Windsor were opened to the public for the first time. This private mansion boasts more than 30 gardens of 300 m2 each.

Wishing to preserve the bucolic setting and ecological values of the site, Chanel entrusted the transportation of its guests to Turtle, privatizing 20 of our bikes.

20 bikes - 2 days - May 2024

40 people moved simultaneously per day

Trade fair


The leading trade show in its field, VAPEXPO welcomes nearly 10,000 visitors every year. The ideal opportunity for professionals to extend their visibility.

Based this year at Porte de Versailles, Turtle was the ideal solution for promoting the Pulp brand by personalizing the bikes and transporting customers from the entrance to the stand.

This operation encourages visitors to visit the Pulp stand. They then win a return Turtle ride to their hotel or Paris train station.

5 bikes - 3 days - March 2024

400 people transported

Design sans titre (5)
Design sans titre (7)
Trade fair


In March 2024, some 2000 participants from the world of innovation gathered at the Techinnov convention.

Located in the Bois de Vincennes, the convention organizers wanted to facilitate travel between the Château de Vincennes metro station and the park, so they offered Turtle shuttles to professionals. Saving almost 10 minutes per trip, the bikes brightened up the day for professionals, while promoting Techinnov2024.  

3 bikes - 1 day - March 2024

300 people transported



This year, the organizers of the Inter-LGBT Pride March decided to ban motorized floats. The only solution available to the event's corporate partners was to use soft mobility solutions. 

This was the choice made by the Out L'Oréal collective and the Rosa Bonheur to choose seven customized Turtles for the march, to highlight their commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community. 

7 bikes - 1 day - June 2023

500 000 estimated ODVs

Design sans titre (4)
Design sans titre (6)
Trade fair


For the annual Paris Blockchain Week trade show, the organizers wanted to facilitate the mobility of their visitors, particularly those from abroad. For the first year, the show was held in the ViParis area of the Caroussel du Louvre. 

The aim was to provide a free shuttle service to the Carrousel du Louvre for the many visitors staying at the Westin Hôtel Paris. Turtle bikes were the solution, as they could be used on cycle paths. This was an advantage for both visitors and show organizers. 

9 bikes - 2 days - March 2023

400 people transported

Votre texte de paragraphe

Customized weather protection

After the Summer Body version of the Turtle, we have now designed a bespoke weather protection system. 

As you can see in the video opposite, the Turtle is equipped with full protection and a door to access the rear of the bike. So there is no risk of rain or wind, and you can use our services all year ! 

Parlez-nous de votre projet

Echangez rapidement avec notre équipe commerciale ou contactez-nous directement : aymard@goturtle.fr ou